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Online Victims Services for Victims of Sexual Assault
The following services are for CRIME VICTIMS ONLY.  If you are the person charged, we CANNOT speak with you about your case outside of court.  You must appear in court where we will speak to you directly, and if you have an attorney they can communicate with our office on your behalf.

Please watch this video for a comprehensive look at the Family Justice Center and the services they provide to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.

In the pursuit of a community that is free of sexual violence, Our VOICE serves all individuals in Buncombe County affected by sexual assault and abuse, through counseling, advocacy and education.

Click on the VINE Logo above to access VINE

VINE is America’s number one victim notification network. VINE has been providing victims and concerned citizens with the power of information for decades, allowing these individuals to have the sense of security that they deserve. VINELink can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide the most reliable information for custody status changes and criminal case information.
The VINE service provides information by phone, email, TTY, and text message where available. You may also sign up through your participating state, or county’s toll-free number. 

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